
Why Choose BMS

Every school has unique strengths and weaknesses and BMS is no exception. What sets us apart is how we define success for our students. We believe that success is not solely defined by scores on a report card. Instead, success is measured by how each student feels at the end of each school day; and if they did their best to learn from their lessons. 

Your child’s happiness always comes first. We guide our students to grow, as a learner and a human being. Their mistakes are not frowned upon, but encouraged as part of the learning process. Their failures are not seen as something to be embarrassed about, but rather embraced as motivation to do better.  

Empathetic Learning Environment

Empathetic Learning Environment

Our school provides a safe and nurturing environment where students feel supported and valued.

Holistic Development

Holistic Development

We focus on developing the whole child, nurturing their intellectual, emotional, and social well-being.

World-Class Curriculum

World-Class Curriculum

Our curriculum, aligned with The Cambridge Pathway, serves millions of students worldwide, nurturing their curiosity and passion for lifelong learning. With our support, students emerge as confident, responsible, innovative, and engaged individuals, equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow and contribute to a brighter future.

Experienced Faculty

Experienced Faculty

Our team of experienced educators is dedicated to inspiring and guiding students on their educational journey.

Strong Community

Strong Community

At Bunda Mulia School, we foster a sense of belonging and community, where students, parents, and teachers work together towards common goals

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Technology

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Technology

We make sure that BMS is a safe second home both to our students and teachers. Having world class facilities and technology available to our students is our commitment and a cherry on top of a loving, warm and vibrant community as the home foundation.