Early Childhood Education
- Cooking
- Zumba
- Games
- Choir
Various activities are being held during ECA period on Fridays. These include sports, music, computer apps, experiments, indoor games such as online trivias and puzzles, show & tell and many more exciting experience outdoors. Homeroom teachers carry on the class and swapping of teachers and activities are applied too.
In BMS Middle School Department, Extra Curricular Activities are added into our weekly timetable, occurring on Friday afternoons. This year we have a system whereby each class follows a schedule and does a different activity each week with the homeroom teacher. Activities include: Board Games; Sports; Art/Craft; Music; Movie; Traditional Games; Fun Food; Reading; Recycling. We are always looking for new ideas to keep our ECA interesting. It is a time for students to bond more with their homeroom teacher and enjoy different experiences.