Book-a-saurus contains 24,000 items (and counting) available for borrowing.
All students from Kindergarten – Grade 12 as well as all parents, are welcome to visit the library and borrow materials.
We also provide supervised computers with internet access for those who needs to conduct research.
Book-a-saurus is also a place to host various literacy related activity.
Parents get to volunteer (and dress up in character) as Mystery Reader.
Our Principal hosts Storytelling sessions several days a week, reading curated books for each grade level for a very enthusiastic crowd.
Our Librarians: Mr. Usaha and Ms. Lulu also teach our children a proper habit and character building tasks in our library.
They guide them to follow Library's etiquette and manners such as returning books where they are supposed to; working as a group for tidying tasks; even teach volunteers to various library's activity such as book stamping, book coding, and book wrapping. This is why we say our mission is to promote literacy and the effective use of ideas and information for students, parents and staff.